Old Fashioned

Old Fashioned

Yesterday, I went to the Governor’s Mansion for a dinner where my parents–among others–were being honored for their exceptional parenting. But listen, this is the best part:

I took a trip to the ladies room and didn’t want to leave. I’m serious. I would have moved into the sitting area. It looked like an old fashioned parlor.

My American Girl collectors, this is what I imagine Samantha’s life looked like. Wouldn’t you want to live in a place like this?

I would totally, except, living in the early 1900s doesn’t have great implications for me socially since I would be a brown woman. But I’ll take the decor, please.


It’s finally Friday! Any plans? With the weather (serious torrential downpour or gloomy), I just want to watch HBO GO while I clean. I’ve caught up on True Blood finally.

I started watching The Wire last night. I’m so excited, I’ve never seen the complete series and everyone raves about it. Plus, Idris. Alba.

What’s on your agenda for the weekend? Have you seen The Wire?

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