Author: Channing in the City

Is everyone okay?? How are things post-Sandy? She sure was a scary skank, though wasn't she? I hope that you all and your families are doing okay and the damage wasn't too bad where you are. Yall. I promise that I have been updating this site but...

Yall remember Ryan Leslie? What about his song "Gibberish?" That song was my iiiish senior year of college. Still is. I thought of the song because I have hit command + A like three times now to start this post over. I just can't seem to make sense of the jumbled mess that's in my head. So rock with me, hmmk?

J.Crew Factory Anorak Forever 21 T-Shirt Forever 21 Faux Leather Skirt Hue Over-The-Knee Socks Kelsi Dagger Huette Booties Yk Beads Lion Head Necklace/Michael Kors Watch YSL Lipstick #13

*Thoughts in my head when I look at these pictures*Give that skirt a rest already, sheesh... I wonder if my neighbors think I'm crazy? (that's who I'm looking at)... Who cares, what is he back here for anyway... Why do you keep breaking out in the same spot on that samecheek?... You have church curls... Like really, are they big enough for you?... Cute shoes, though... and I really like that necklace.

I wish I could use my iPhone's emojis to convey how excited I get when you all ask me to put together a specific look. Like, today. Bri needs to know how she can transition her beloved maxis into the colder seasons. So below is another...

Here on The City, we are all about cultivating personal style, luckily, we can look to some of our favorite celebrities for a few style lessons. I have this problem. I save magazines. Not all magazines. Just special editions, September issues, and covers featuring Sarah Jessica...

I swear my brother and I keep my mother young. She takes a real interest in our lives. And sometimes, that means a bit of ratchetness.For instance, we were riding in the car and the song changes, she reads the title out loud, confused. Jew-See Jay? Juicy...

... or Yves Laurent Paris. Whatever they are calling themselves these days. Okay so my mom is obsessed with Nordstrom and twice a year we get up at the butt crack of chilly dawn for their Cosmetic Trends Show. It's really a lot of fun with a...

Yall, Target is winning. Like, something serious. As if that place wasn't a money trap just by walking in there, now we can expect their holiday collection with Neiman Marcus to be everything. Random note, I know here in this picture, my shoes look too big. They aren't. I...

I have a soft spot in my heart for funny girls. I love to be around people who aren't afraid to be goofy. In my mind Mindy Kaling is one of those girls. And we'd be friends. And shop and talk about out purchases on...