Author: Channing in the City

What's your take on white after Labor Day? Yay? Nay? I used to be of the mindset that white was strictly for the summer. I have since outgrown that. I'm sure you guys can tell by me mixing metals and wearing suede shoes in the summer,...

  I am quite aware that the man in the Target commercial is saying 'binders,' and not 'bindas,' but doesn't that sound like what he's saying? Sigh, I love back to school time. The commercials, the new clothes, fall fashion. When I was in school, my mom and I...

Here on The City, we are all about cultivating personal style, luckily, we can look to some of our favorite celebrities for a few style lessons. No Doubt releasing their new album, Settle Down, takes me back to being a teenager when Casey Kasem would do the...

I know yall are like please, Chan, stop with those blue suede shoes. As my mom says when I've been wearing something too much, you don't have anything else that you could wear?I am one that falls in love with an item and then wears the heck out of...

I was all over the place last week. I was always tired buut I did unpack and do laundry. This video was supposed to be up on Thursday but, eh, I was all over the place. I'll do better this week. Promise. (and the video's kind of long, you might...

I'm baacccck!I've missed you all. Like, a lot. I want to thank my guest bloggers for helping keep the party going. Weren't they all so beautiful? I thought you all would love them. So this week, we're going to Paris on the blog. I want to tell...

While Channing is off in Paris eating crumpets, drinking tea, & shopping for berets…{insert Paris trip stereotypes here} I was sent forth to take over her space to share a special new polish I am addicted to! Last weekend I went to a dear friends house party and...