Life in NYC

I love this city, I hate it sometimes, too. In an effort to keep track of my feelings about the Big Apple during my time here I try my best to chronicle them in a letter to this crazy place. Welcome to Dear New York–a series posted...

My brother’s girlfriend called me a bougie b*tch. That isn’t the story here. Ain’t got sh*t to do with this, but I just thought that I should mention.    “There is a lot of beauty in this city,” Allan said. “As you know, and now, I think you’re...

I have a favorite train conductor. He’s usual on an older 6 train. The ones that are typically annoying during rush hour. They’re smaller than the newer ones and the spacing is weird so everyone ends up crowding by the door, which makes it hard for people...

“If you want to to be an artist, and you want to do and live off your art, then you have to take a stab at it, and paint in the best city in the world, which is New York as far as I’m concerned.” Graffiti...

  I remember asking Bill Cunningham’s muse Tziporah Salmon about developing her eye for fashion. She paused for a minute, and then said, “you know, you’re a writer, so you read writing that inspires you. You delve into the craft as a consumer, a fan, which may...

My boyfriend talked through Selena once. If you know me, you know what a problem this is. Imagine your song comes on and someone insists on talking through your favorite part. That's how I felt. The whole movie.  Don't worry, he won't know that I'm telling you this. He sensed...

Experts say it takes 21 days to form a habit. I want to test this theory, giving myself 28 days to form 28 news habits. Now that I'm newly 28 and all. My mother would call me hard-headed, but I think I just like to see things for...

Over drinks the other night, my friends and I were talking about whether we believed in fate. I do. I think that everything that happens is leading up to something. It all will make sense in the end if you trust the process. Take me and _____. We met...

I remember when me and Brooklyn Boy first broke up, two things initially made it really hard. One, I didn’t know what to do with my Saturday mornings. And two, he had the best chicken spots. Now that I’m in my own apartment, Saturday mornings are the best....

When I first moved into my apartment, I was worried that I made a mistake. My last apartment was on the fourth floor and in a relatively quiet neighborhood. There’s a lot going on in my new ‘hood. I have Second Avenue Subway construction going on at...